When I started working on this project, I knew pretty much nothing about ships, boats, oceanography, maritime navigation, or the history of ship building. I still know pretty much nothing but I have done enough research to have some idea about what Tom Sukanen's Sontiainen would have looked like. The fact that I can envision the completed ship now when I look at photographs of the unassembled sections of the boat lying on the prairie shows that the research I have done, especially in Finland at the two maritime museums, has been paying off. Most importantly though, I have been able to connect with Pauli Kivisto from the Forum Marinum maritime museum in Turku, Finland, who is an expert in Finnish maritime history with a special interest in Finnish ships from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, exactly the time when Tom Sukanen would have been working as a ship builder, quite possibly in the Turku area.
Even with my research, figuring out the probable layout of the Sontiainen from the photographs was a fairly time-consuming undertaking. And I have no idea about how the sails or rigging would work, as Sukanen left no plans for this part of the ship. In fact, none of his plans exist anymore, unfortunately. I want the 3D artist to have a lot of freedom in the details and fun bits on the ship, so I am supplying this simple Illustrator frame (below), and a link to a selection of ship pictures, including both reference pictures for the 'nernie' bits and fuzzy photos of the actual original ship parts (here).
Luckily Raul had some good instincts about which of the cabins would have been the forward and which one the aft, and somehow knows about ships and wheelhouses and where the engine room would probably have been in a ship that was to be operated by a crew of one. So after consulting with Raul and poring over the photos, here is a basic concept of what I think the Sontiainen would have ultimately come together to look like, but I have no idea about the mast or the rigging.

Luckily Pauli Kivisto from the maritime museum had given me his email address in case I had questions, so I sent him my illustration (above) and asked whether the mast looked right and what kind of rigging the ship might have. To my surprise and delight, a week later he sent me back a couple of drawings of two different styles of rigging that Tom Sukanen might have planned for the Sontiainen. The first is called a gaff-rigged ship, with a bowsprit off the front end, and the second is the ship with a Bermuda sail. The gaff-rigged ship is beautiful and more cinematic, and as Pauli says that this was the typical rigging for small Finnish ships of the early 20th century, I think it would be great to rig the ship this way (please click on the picture to see a larger version):

drawing by Pauli Kivisto, from the Forum Marinum in Turku, Finland
The Bermuda sail in the second picture looks in some ways more practical but from what I can tell it might have been popular a little later in the 20th century, and plus it's not as pretty, so if we can swing it, I am going to aim for the gaff-rig with the bowsprit (I almost sound like I know what I am talking about!) Pauli also sent me some pictures of Finnish ships with a rig like this under full sail, including these pictures of the Eugenia:

the sailing yacht EUGENIA, the replica of the last sailing ship in cargo traffic in Finland (website)
Pauli has been so incredibly helpful; if there is one design area that I know nothing about it is ships, and to have chanced into meeting someone like him who not only knows about these specific kinds of ships can also draw them has been a real stroke of luck. I am interested in getting not only the story but the design of everything as accurate as possible, and it is always fun to learn about new things, like for example, gaff-rigged ships!
While at the Forum Marinum and the Rauma Maritime Museum I took a lot of pictures of ship models, including these two with examples of the gaff-rigging.
this double-masted model seems to have a gaff-rig for the front mast, although it doesn't have a bowsprit; this might be useful for the 3D modeler to see how the mast would look without the sails
Something else that needs to be created for the film are the ship parts separated: the keel, the hull, and both cabins need to be able to be composited into various shots separated from each other, as they were during construction. Please see the Special Effects posting on this blog for more on this aspect of the model(s).
Nothing is more fun than preproduction, unless it's production, which we are teetering on the verge of. Next post: auditions, producers, musicians, and more creepy connections as word of the making of this film begins to spread across Canada!
Nothing is more fun than preproduction, unless it's production, which we are teetering on the verge of. Next post: auditions, producers, musicians, and more creepy connections as word of the making of this film begins to spread across Canada!
Until next time... Sisu!